Captain Suky Cannon has USCG Master Mariner, 100 Ton License. She is an Adventurer, Ocean Activist and Sailor. She was born in New York City and raised on Long Island Sound. Sailing has always been an important part of her life and she loves sharing the adventure. After a career in NYC in Advertising as a top food editor and stylist, she followed her dream to become a professional sailing captain. She cruises aboard her sailboat, Shambala, a classic 41 foot sloop, sailing and teaching in the most remote outer islands of the Bahamas throughout the winter, and summers teaching teenagers sailing and fishing in the Florida Keys. Cannon loves sharing her passion for the sea, sailing, snorkeling and encouraging sailors to be better mariners and good sea stewards.
Articles about Captain Suky
“Stay Calm & Keep Sailing ~ Many people ask here, and ask me, what they need to go cruising. I believe the best preparation for cruising or racing is learning to calm yourself when the emotion of fear raises its ugly head. Fear scrambles your mind, you don’t think clearly and it can make a dangerous situation life-threatening. Practicing mindfulness and breathing and creating positive affirmations that work for you, is imperative. Practice in your slip, at your mooring, in a traffic jam or when you find yourself getting stressed, knowing this is prep for throwing off the lines.”
“Cannon has advice for others contemplating her lifestyle. “Get out there and do it… the sooner the better. Make no excuses.”
She (Cannon) loves the liveaboard lifestyle. “I love the quiet and the freedom. The sounds and interplay of the wind and waves make me feel I’m part of a brilliant symphony,” she enthuses. “I love being part of the natural world and it’s exhilarating to be the captain of my own ship.”